

Membership in Urantia Association International (UAI) automatically extends to membership in Urantia Association of the United States (UAUS) and Greater Lake Michigan Urantia Association (GLMUA) for any person living in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, or Wisconsin. For renewal of membership annually, please pay membership dues on or before the date of the next Spring Membership Study Luncheon (April). To be eligible to participate in the voting process or to accept a nomination to hold office, a member must be paid and in good standing.

Annual Membership Dues are $20 for a Full Member and $20 for Associate Membership. You may send your check or money order (made out to GLMUA) to:

Greater Lake Michigan Urantia Association
Post Office Box 1112,
Mishawaka, IN 46546

You may also pay online! Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover are accepted.

Contact Rick Lyon with any problems you encounter paying with card at (765) 366-7203

To become a member of UAI, please contact Alice Wood, who is currently serving as Membership Chair, with all of your membership inquiries, then thoroughly read through the information provided in the links below. You will be asked to check off a pledge of understanding and compliance with the Bylaws of Urantia Association International to become a member.

Once you have completed these steps, review the “membership types” listed below to determine which type of membership you are seeking. You must have read The Urantia Book in its entirety to become a Full Member with voting privileges. (An Associate Member is one who has not yet completed their first reading of The Urantia Book.) After you have decided, you may click on the link provided here to fill out your application! MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

Applicants should pay their first year “good faith dues” of $20 at the same time they submit their application for membership. (see link above)

Membership cards will be mailed to new members upon receipt of dues and confirmation of approval by the GLMUA Governing Board. The Membership Chair will contact and welcome you with further details.

We maintain a registered nonprofit organization status with the state of Indiana. Membership dues and all proceeds finance the services that we provide to the community, and a portion of each individual’s membership dues goes to the support of Urantia Association International, Urantia Association of the United States, & Urantia Foundation for their worthy causes, such as sponsoring those in need of assistance to attend conferences and represent their groups internationally, and , of course, funding and providing translations.


UAI welcomes members from all races, cultures, nations, and religions. There are three categories of membership in UAI: a Full Member, a Member-at-Large, and an Associate Member.

3.1 Full Member

• 3.1.1 To be eligible for full membership in UAI, a person shall have read The Urantia Book in its entirety, shall support the teachings of The Urantia Book , shall support the goals and purposes of UAI and Urantia Foundation, and shall agree to abide by the UAI Charter and Bylaws and the Bylaws of his National and/or Local Association.

• 3.1.2 A full member is entitled to vote in his Association of record.

• 3.1.3 All full members of Local or National Associations who reside within the geographical boundaries of a National Association are members of that National Association, unless a member has been accepted as a full member of an Association in another country of which the member is a citizen.

3.2 Member-at-Large

There are two categories of Members-at-Large: One where no Association of UAI exists and an optional category in which a National Association of UAI with subsidiary Local Associations exists.

• 3.2.1 No Association of UAI exists. An individual living in a country where no Association of UAI exists may join UAI as a Member-at-Large. Such a Member-at-Large shall be attached to the Membership Committee of the Central Administration. When the first Association is formed in a country, all Members-at-Large residing in that country shall become members of that Association.

• 3.2.2 A National Association with subsidiary Local Associations exists. This category is optional and may be adopted in the Bylaws of a National Association. A geographically isolated individual living in a country where a National Association with subsidiary Local Associations exists may join UAI as a Member-at-Large. Such a Member-at-Large shall be attached to the Membership Committee of the National Association.

• 3.2.3 To be eligible to join UAI as a Member-at-Large a person shall have read The Urantia Book in its entirety, shall support the teachings of The Urantia Book , shall support the goals and purposes of UAI and Urantia Foundation, and shall agree to abide by the UAI Charter and Bylaws (and the Bylaws of his National Association if applicable.)

• 3.2.4 A Member-at-Large may not hold office and is not entitled to vote.

• 3.3 Associate Member

• 3.3.1 An Associate Member category is optional and may be adopted in the Bylaws of a National or Local Association.

• 3.3.2 An individual who has not read The Urantia Book in its entirety may join UAI as an Associate Member. To be eligible to join UAI as an Associate Member a person shall be reading The Urantia Book , shall support the teachings of The Urantia Book , shall support the goals and purposes of UAI and Urantia Foundation, and shall agree to abide by the UAI Charter and Bylaws and the Bylaws of his National and/or Local Association.

• 3.3.3 An Associate Member shall not be entitled to vote or to hold office, and must be affiliated with a Local or National association.